Eclipse. Domed Filberts
The Eclipse Range are 100% Synthetic, Vegan Friendly.
They are great for Oils, Gouache, Acrylics and Watermixable Oils.
The Eclipse is a synthetic mongoose which is stiffer than sable, yet softer than bristle.
The new domed filberts are a welcome addition for portrait painters and figurative artists alike.
For advice on cleaning your brushes, please click this link.
"I love these short filberts because they are so versatile. From large passages to detail work—including a crisp line using the edge—the shorter length gives me a measure of control that is greater than what I can achieve with a long filbert. The synthetic filament is stiffer than a sable, yet is soft enough to be used for blending. I once overheard a fellow painter in a workshop exclaim: “These short filberts changed my life!” So I know I’m not the only fan of this brush." Ross Hogin- Artist, Vashon, Washington USA, 2020. |