We can no longer ship DAVID KASSAN BRUSH COLLECTION to the USA. The USA is the only country in the world who has a ban on importing this hair and until the next world wide meeting in Geneva, the ban remains in situ. We do have alternatives for you, check out Red Sable, The Red Dot Collection or contact us.

David Kassan Brush Collection

SP = Smart Points
US$ 163.34 US$ 163.34
US$ 163.34
SP: 652
SP: 652
In stock

''Each stroke we make with our brush on a painting, is driven by a deliberate thought and emotional response to the subject. This is why the brushes that we use to express these impressions are extremely important, they must represent the variety of our vision and become almost invisible to the process. This is why I use Rosemary Brushes. Rosemary & Co offer a full line of brushes that can handle a number of different paint handling techniques, from their long haired kolinsky sables that give me an amazing amount of control over the pressure I need for my subtle paint passages, to their pointed round ivories that are great for loading paint and whose spring is great for applying directional texture''. David Kassan
For more information about the Parallel Palette please visit their website

This set contains 17 brushes (handle length specified below):

Series Sizes
Series 33. Pure Kolinsky Pointed - L/H 1, 2
Series 441. Pure Kolinsky 'Half Rigger' - S/H 2
Ivory Pointed Rounds - S/H 2/0, 0, 1
Series 41. Pointed Squirrel Oval Wash - S/H 1/2"
Series 276. Masters Choice Filberts - L/H 4, 5, 6
Series 278. Masters Choice Long Filberts - L/H 4, 5
Eclipse Short Filberts - L/H 6, 8, 10
Ivory Filberts - L/H 8
Series 2055. Chungking Bristle Fan - L/H 1

Series 33. Pure Kolinsky Pointed  1 1.7 11.8
Series 33. Pure Kolinsky Pointed  2 2 14.1
Series 441. Pure Kolinsky 'Half Rigger' 2 1.8 11
Ivory Pointed Rounds 2/0 1.5 9.3
Ivory Pointed Rounds 0 2.5 11
Ivory Pointed Rounds 1 2.7 12
Series 41. Pointed Squirrel Oval Wash 1/2" 12.3 27.3
Series 276. Masters Choice Filberts 4 6.4 15
Series 276. Masters Choice Filberts 5 8.5 16.5
Series 276. Masters Choice Filberts 6 10.3 18
Series 278. Masters Choice Long Filberts 4 7.6 20.2
Series 278. Masters Choice Long Filberts 5 9.2 22
Eclipse Short Filberts 6 7 13.4
Eclipse Short Filberts 8 9 15.5
Eclipse Short Filberts 10 10.3 17.8
Ivory Filberts 8 14 29
Series 2055. Chungking Bristle fan 1 27.2 16.1

All measurements shown in mm.


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