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Oil Rounds Assortment

SP = Smart Points
US$ 133.99 US$ 133.99
US$ 133.99
SP: 532
SP: 532
In stock

This set includes our most popular Oil brushes in the Rounds and Pointed Round shapes. Rosemary & Co Oil Rounds Assortment set should allow you to get to grips with Rosemary & Co’s variety of Oil brushes, and figure out which hair or fibre best suits you. There is a mix of natural and synthetic hairs included in the set which make this set a round brush lovers dream. Perfect for Oils and Acrylics.

This set contains 17 brushes (all on Longer Handles):

Ivory Pointed Round 3
Series 2095 Chunking Bristle Short Rounds 3
Evergreen Pointed Round 5
Series 272 Masters Choice Pointed Round 4
Series 344 Designer Rounds Golden Synthetic 4
Series 401 Pointed Sable Mixture 5
Series 33 Pure Kolinsky Pointed Round 5
Series 22 Pure Kolinsky Designer 6
Eclipse Round 4
Ultimate Bristle Pointed Round 4
Shiraz Pointed Round 5
Classic Pointed Round 3
Series 2035 Chungking Pointed Round 4
Ebony Pointed Rounds 5
Series 99 Pointed Pure Sable 6
Series 3077 Hog Domed Round 6
Smooshing Brush Small

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