We can no longer ship R7 POCKET PURE KOLINSKY COMBER - 1/4" to the USA. The USA is the only country in the world who has a ban on importing this hair and until the next world wide meeting in Geneva, the ban remains in situ. We do have alternatives for you, check out Red Sable, The Red Dot Collection or contact us.

R7 Pocket Pure Kolinsky Comber - 1/4"

SP = Smart Points
US$ 28.29 US$ 28.29
US$ 28.29
SP: 112
SP: 112
In stock

The reversible Pocket Brush is a convenient addition to your brush collection for those who like to paint on the move. The reversible handle allows for a convenient storage and prevents damage to the brush. A dream for urban sketchers, and a Plein Air must-have. 

The R6 is made from Pure Kolinsky Sable. There is no doubt Kolinsky is the best hair available for the manufacture of artists' brushes due to being conical in shape, strong in character with a long tapered point and thick belly. This travel brush is a size 1/4" from the Series 331. Pure Kolinsky Sable Comber.

If we cannot ship Kolinsky Sable to your country at this time (USA only), please see this Red Dot Alternative: R25 Pocket Red Dot Collection Comber - Size 1/4".

If you are looking for a wallet to store your Pocket Brushes please click here.

For advise on cleaning your brushes, please click this link.

1/4" 7.4 11.4
All measurements shown in mm.

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